Password Spraying O365
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The majority of companies use Office 365 and Outlook with their Active Directory set up. If you find valid credentials for either of these there is a high chance that those credentials will also work with something like a VPN because all of the accounts are managed through Active Directory.
A great tool for password spraying O365 is TREVORspray. Again, tools come and go so this isn't the only option.
Spray using a valid emails list and a single password and a delay of 15 seconds to avoid detection
Doing the same thing except using AWS machines as a proxy and SSH
Sometimes you may get this warning instead of a SUCCESS notification. This warning can be a successful login as well. Verify using the actual O365 login panel.
Identify the lockout policy before spraying so you don't lock everyone out of their accounts
If a company has 5 passwords attempts as their policy, you can try 4 passwords and wait an hour until the next round
Once we get a foothold into an account digging through Outlook, Onedrive, OneNote, Sharepoint and Teams
Don't spray against a VPN login portal because they have good detection systems in place.
We can setup a free AWS Cloud account and create Ubuntu machines using the EC2 service and the Free Tier Eligible option for everything.
Use the default credentials and create a new key pair.
To spin up more you can go to your Instances Console -> Actions -> Image and Templates -> Launch more like this. Tie it to the same key pair and launch that sucker.